Dedicated to the eternal and loving memory of Carrie

This site is a tribute to Carrie, who was born in Maesteg on May 11, 1949. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

The beauty of this site is that everyone can add their own tributes of their memories for Carrie (Mum)… We would love for you to do so and will treasure each and every one xxx

Mum passed away in her sleep on Thursday 2 May holding Dad's hand after 52 years of happily married life together surrounded by us, her family.

We are so thankful for the love that Mum has given to us over our lifetimes, and we love her and thank her for everything.

Mum has been the world's most incredible mother and grandmother... A nurse, a teacher, and a life-changer to all who have known her.

Mum was a trail-blazing self-educated entrepreneurial feminist who believed in the transformational power of education to change lives as Open University education had changed hers... Mum became the first woman in her family to get a degree, and Mum’s passion for life-long learning and sharing the transformational power of education with all she knew was breathtaking and inspirational.

Mum shared a lifetime of love and joy with her soulmate Dad… Together they created our loving family, treasuring the best of friends, incredible food, and adventures across the globe – creating meaningful connections with people from all walks of life from all over the world.

Mum has touched everyone's lives with her immense powers of love and help, and her wondrous sense of humour, incredible intelligence, generosity and fun-loving spirit of adventure.

Mum was our best friend, and we thank you - her friends - for enriching her life with your friendship and for the happiness you gave to her... We would love for you to share your happiest memories of Mum with us so we can smile hearing all her stories of moments she shared with you so we can continue to celebrate her beautiful life and creative spirit.

Mum wrote in her last wishes that in lieu of flowers, any gifts for her she would want to go to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)… And she expressed a desire for beautiful trees - like Maples and Aspens - to be grown in this world to symbolise eternal growth, beauty and life.

Mum is eternal in us, in her family and in her friends – and in all the lives she touched with her love, fun and kindness. We are so thankful to Mum for her love – and we thank her – our best friend – for everything and for every precious moment we have shared together xxx


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